How to choose pillow packing machine?

News Oct 03 2020

1. First of all, you need to determine the product to be packed in the pillow packer. Some packaging machinery manufacturers have a wide range of products. They want to use one device to package all kinds of packaging machines. In fact, special machines usually pack better than compatible machines. pillow packing machine varieties are very good, no more than 3-5 varieties. In addition, products with large difference in external dimensions should be separated by mechanical packaging as far as possible.
2. High cost performance is the first principle. At this stage, the quality of domestic packaging machines has been greatly improved, especially pillow packing machine, with large export volume. Therefore, the quality of imported packaging machines can be purchased at the price of domestic packaging machines. Buy the right thing, not the expensive one.
3. As far as possible to choose a long history of well-known packaging machine companies, quality assurance. Choose the model with mature technology and stable quality, so as to make the packaging faster, more stable, low energy consumption, low manual and low waste rate. Packaging machine is a consumption machine of talents. If you buy a low-quality machine, the amount of packaging film wasted with time in daily production will be a large number in the future.
4. If on-site inspection is carried out, attention should be paid to the major aspects as well as the small details. Details usually determine the quality of the whole machine. Bring a sample testing machine if possible.
5. In terms of after-sales service, "within the circle" must have a good reputation. After sales service is timely and can be called at any time, especially for food processing companies. Mooncake companies, for example, have only a short production period of two months a year. If there are problems in the production of packaging machine that can not be solved immediately, the loss can be imagined.
6. Packaging machine priority that can be trusted by peers.
7. Simple operation and maintenance as far as possible, complete accessories, automatic continuous feeding mechanism, can improve packaging efficiency, reduce labor costs, suitable for the long-term development of enterprises.

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